Directory of Agri-Food Products by Municipality

Upwards of 100 Local Producers

Welcome to our website, where you can easily search for local products by category or by municipality. Take a moment to discover the region’s agri-food businesses. The SADC du Haut-Saint-François aims to stimulate our local economy by connecting consumers and producers.

Finding Local Products

Welcome to our website, where you can easily search for local products by category or by municipality. Take a moment to discover the region’s agri-food businesses. The SADC du Haut-Saint-François aims to stimulate our local economy by connecting consumers and producers.

Organic Food

The directory identifies a growing number of organic products sold by local producers. These include maple products, cocoa butter, chicken, pork, beef, seasonal produce (field and greenhouse vegetables, herbs, garlic), eggs and fruit (strawberries, ground cherries, watermelons, cantaloupes).

Register Now!

If you’re an agri-food producer not yet listed in the directory, please get in touch with the SADC. We’ll be happy to add you.